Hi, I have a 80 gig harddrive that was partitioned into three 3.
The OS was giving me problems and I decided to delete it.
This is what I did.
I loaded a bootdisk, then I fdisk.
I deleted all the partitions.
I formatted c:
Then I try to go to Fdisk to display the drives.
But I seen that the drive had only 10mb.
Then I loaded Partition Magic and I noticed it was
saying that the drive has 77gigs. But on fdisk it shows the
primary dos partition with only 10mb.
The question is .
How can I recover all the space lost and make it into one drive that I can see the 80 gigs on fdisk to install windows xp clean.
Please help im very desperate.
1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
18 minutes ago
When I pop windows It stays frozen..
Press Any Key To Boot From CD..
I have another version of windows and Its says Operating System Missing