Hi everybody

I am trying to set to FTP server in user isolation mode. If I choose c:\ftp as my root directory for the FTP site, what should I name the directory that I create in c:\ftp. When I read about this, I got different advices. Somebody said that it should be named LocalUser, another one was talking about Account, or pre windows 2000 domain name. I am setting ftp site on domain controller. I also need to create a few users, that should only have rights to access the ftp site and nothing else(They should no be able to log on to local machine or to CA to obtain the digital certificate). Any advice would be appriciated


That guide is great and I've set-up my Isolated FTP exactly as you describe... but I can't log in. The url resolves OK, it prompts me for a username and password, and when entered correctly it looks like its going to work... hangs for ages... then an error message pops up saying that it timed out and that I should check that I have rights to "that folder". Fasthosts are being utterly useless so can somebody PLEASE suggest what I may have missed? The user I am logging in with has modify permissions to the folder. Thanks in advance, Chris

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