Hi all,

Have been working on a system, XP home editon removing a virus and now the system tray or lower task bar has gone. I have removed this same virus from other systems with no probs. I think I have deleted a file in system32 ? maybe.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Hi all,

Have been working on a system, XP home editon removing a virus and now the system tray or lower task bar has gone. I have removed this same virus from other systems with no probs. I think I have deleted a file in system32 ? maybe.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

hello go to this site , http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/taskbarplus!.htm , good luck

Have you checked to make sure the taskbar wasn't altered in any way? e.g. have you right-clicked the taskbar and hit "lock taskbar" (Which should unlock it if it's locked to begin with) and pull them open? That's probably the first step I would take before trying anything drastic.

Thank you for your help. All fixed.

Thank you for your help. All fixed.

thats great to hear ,but do tell! how or what fixed it ,for others with the same problem who end up here ,thanks you,

Yeah sorry after I posted I thought I should have told you the fix. Was deep in game.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, Process Tab, end all explorer.exe and iexplore.exe processes.

Type regedit in File - Run

Delete these three keys.


Back in Task Manager choose Shutdown menu - Reboot.

Yeah sorry after I posted I thought I should have told you the fix. Was deep in game.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, Process Tab, end all explorer.exe and iexplore.exe processes.

Type regedit in File - Run

Delete these three keys.


Back in Task Manager choose Shutdown menu - Reboot.

thank you for that !now people will know

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