Hi, whenever I put a blank DVD-R or RW disk into my drive, Windows will say it's not there. The cursor turns into a little CD, but whenever I try to burn an ISO image or any type of file onto it, it says that it's not in. I looked on microsoft.com, and it said to get a hotfix for udfs.sys. Would this help me?

I am using:

Operating System:
Windows XP Professional SP2


What burner software are you using? Windows can't do it by itself.

I'm using ISORecorderV2RC1

but whenever I try to burn an ISO image or any type of file onto it, it says that it's not in.

.i just installed and ran that program its my opinion that it doesn't burn images to dvd's just cd.as it say the dvd is not usable ,but the blank cd is usable .
do you get this far,in the recorder section its says weather the dis is usable or not .

No, windows explorer and every other program I use, including ISO Recorder, says that there's no disk in. Which program should I use? I have MagicISO. I can't get nero because I have dial-up, so that would take forever. I checked my drive firmware. It's completely up to date. Also, another detail I left out: whenever I put the disk in, Windows slows down a lot.

No, windows explorer and every other program I use, including ISO Recorder, says that there's no disk in. Which program should I use? I have MagicISO. I can't get nero because I have dial-up, so that would take forever. I checked my drive firmware. It's completely up to date. Also, another detail I left out: whenever I put the disk in, Windows slows down a lot.

something wrong with the burner then, it needs medical attention soon !

I have tried to do it on 2 other computers. It still won't work, so I don't think it's the burner.

I have tried to do it on 2 other computers. It still won't work, so I don't think it's the burner.

as i said before i do believe its not a dvd burning program .or it doesn't like our brand of dvd disks we are using ,
you could try isbuster software .

I have 2 different DVD brands that bothwon't work: Sony DVD+RW, and Maxell DVD-R.
I will try the isobuster and see if it works.

IsoBuster didn't work. It just said "No media present". I updated my IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller: SiS 5513 IDE UDMA Controller. That didn't work. My AOPEN COM5232/AAH PRO firmware is up to date (R.1.08). I have no idea what to do.........

IsoBuster didn't work. It just said "No media present". I updated my IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller: SiS 5513 IDE UDMA Controller. That didn't work. My AOPEN COM5232/AAH PRO firmware is up to date (R.1.08). I have no idea what to do.........

have you tried to burn other stuff non ISO file , like music or pictures to a regular cd-r disk and not a dvd disk , to see if the burner actually works

Yes, i can burn pictures, music, and ISO images to a CD-R disk.

Yes, i can burn pictures, music, and ISO images to a CD-R disk.

ok,that leads me to think its not a dvd burner ,a search of the make you have listed in a earlier post says its a Aopen,52x cd-r ,16x dvd combo ,and that means its a cd burner and a dvd player ,not a dvd burner .that why its not working !
check it out .

That's most likely the case. Ill attach a picture of my drive. Is there a way I can burn a DVD without buying a new one?

That's most likely the case. Ill attach a picture of my drive. Is there a way I can burn a DVD without buying a new one?

no, sorry its a dvd rom,it will only read dvd's ,not burn them,
ROM =Read Only Memory

Hi, whenever I put a blank DVD-R or RW disk into my drive, Windows will say it's not there. The cursor turns into a little CD, but whenever I try to burn an ISO image or any type of file onto it, it says that it's not in. I looked on microsoft.com, and it said to get a hotfix for udfs.sys. Would this help me?

I am using:

Operating System:
Windows XP Professional SP2


go to microsoft.com and download a little file named 'safedisc" to your deasktop-run it. maybe it work wont hurt to try it.howard

make sure drive d: has autorun activated too.

or whichever your drive letter u have for your cd drive in case its nor d:

go to microsoft.com and download a little file named 'safedisc" to your deasktop-run it. maybe it work wont hurt to try it.howard

he doesn't have a dvd burner ,what could safedisc possibly do for him !

Thanks caperjack. I installed Cute CD DVD Burner before you posted a reply, and it said that I can only read DVDs.
Will an Apple iBook G4 be able to write to DVDs and if so burn an ISO image to them?

Will an Apple iBook G4 be able to write to DVDs and if so burn an ISO image to them?

only if it has a burner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if it would recognize a ISO ,mac and windows are like apples and oranges,DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

only if it has a burner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if it would recognize a ISO ,mac and windows are like apples and oranges,DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes it will recognized an iso image but burning is quite different take a look at this

Thanks for your help!

your welcome

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