anyone can help me, every time i run ny XP Cd to format my pc, set up will run and restart every time the set up turn into Wimdows NT. How can i format my pc...anyone help me please..thanks

Have you set your bios to boot from the install disc?

yes, i'ts already set

Sounds like a bad disc sector or write error then!

Did you burn the OS onto the disc yourself or is it a genuine XP install disc?

its a genuine XP, windows xp home edition, it was installed before, iam reformatting my pc, but the error gets me pls...thanks

We are missing something here!

You need to be more specific and let me know each stage that your able to go through with the install procedure and then point out EXACTLY where it fails so i can get a better idea starting right from the beginning where you should be asked “Press any key to boot from CD..” press a key to do so.......

I read this thread thinking it was something different, but from what little information you have provided me to read so far, it sounds similar to what my problems are here. Your problem may be similar, if it is be a bit more detailed as in my thread. Also if i get any information on my thread I'll let you know.

anyone can help me, every time i run my XP Cd to format my pc, set up will run and restart every time the set up turn into Windows NT. How can i format my pc...anyone help me please..thanks

set the bios to boot from the cd, ensure you have a bootable cd. you also want to ensure the Hard drive jumpers are set properly. and the data cable for the hard drive is securely connected.

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