I opened the add/remove programs window in the control panel of Windows ME, and I look and everything on the Add/Remove Programs list is gone! What happened to my list and is this a result of spyware, virus, or trojans?

Use Antivirus Software To Check For Viruses

...and is this a result of spyware, virus, or trojans?

Could be. Get free online virus scans at the links below, and check out threads in our Security forum to find out where to get and how to use some of the recommended spyware/adware/hijacker/etc. detection and removal utilities.


If you do find this to be a problem related to a virus or spyware infection, please post the specifics in a new thread in the Security forum; that forum is where we deal with those issues.

Just to look to see if they are still there go into the registry and see if they are in fact there are they are gone.. If they are gone from the registry then i would suspect a vius or someone just trying to mess with you.

Just to look to see if they are still there go into the registry and see if they are in fact there are they are gone.. If they are gone from the registry then i would suspect a vius or someone just trying to mess with you.

How exactly do I do that through the registry?

The entries in the Add/Remove Programs control panel are stored in the following registry key:


If you do not see any entries for your installed programs under that registry key, the registry has been corrupted. Depending on how long ago the problem occurred, you may be able to restore the registry from one of automatic backup copies that ME creates. Instructions for doing so are here:


Here is a screenshot from my computer of the Uninstall section in the registry key.

I see two nasties there. Bargain Buddy and Ebates. Those folders under uninstall are what is on your PC. We cannot see the entire list so you will have to go through them and see what is there.

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