hello everybody! how can i make screnshot to show it my sexy girfriend?

the "print screen" button above insert on your keyboard will save the image on your screen to clip-board so you can copy it into another program and save it.

1. Press the PrtSc/SysRq at the top of your keyboard (look at illustration below)

2. Open MS Paint

3. Press Ctrl+V so that the screen shot goes into paint.

4. Save your picture as JPG (you might also have to resize it so that it doesn't get cut when posted here)

5. Go to a image hosting site such as www.servimg.com

6. From there on, everything should be self explanatory.


Great detailed instructions geek, but I do want to mention that it doesn't have to be paint. You can copy into any program that can handle photo editing.

Also, you don't need to host the image to share it with people, and if you did any photo hosting site (google images, photobucket, flikr, ect,...) would work fine.

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