After loading RegAnalizer I deleted something under software and now Windows 98 is messed up and will not respond or load. Display messed up it wants to check for new hardware but then it stops working. Help me please.

Boot your PC from a Windows 98 Startup diskette, pop your Windows CD in the drive and run Setup WITHOUT formatting first.

With a bit of luck (depending on what form your Windows CD is) that will overwrite your system files and get things working again.

Utilities which make regid=stry changes shouldn't be used without first working out a bit about what it is they do. They're really for 'advanced' users.

Before reloading ,when you boot computer with the bootdisk at the a: prompt type in SCANREG /FIX to see if it will repair your registry .or SCANREG /RESTORe and try to restore back to a earlier date ,you should get a choice of 5 different ones.

Before reloading ,when you boot computer with the bootdisk at the a: prompt type in SCANREG /FIX to see if it will repair your registry .or SCANREG /RESTORe and try to restore back to a earlier date ,you should get a choice of 5 different ones.

I don't have a boot disk how can I get one.
Thanks for your time. :o

Umm... but da computer she'a no boot; how'sa catladi gonna do dat? :mrgreen:

You know, I think I got a big empty floppy for you to use .Its on top of me head !!

You know, I think I got a big empty floppy for you to use .Its on top of me head !!

Yeah... I know it wasn't the most helpful of posts, but hey- even we mods need moments or two of silliness. Couldn't really be in this business woithout a bit of that, now could we? :p

I just wanted to send this and thank you for telling me to type scanreg/restore it worked wonderfully but I had to load it on c: not a: like you thought, but it worked and I restored it to the register before the messed up one.
Thank you so very much. :cheesy:

You are very welcome ,glad to have helped

Yeah... I know it wasn't the most helpful of posts, but hey- even we mods need moments or two of silliness. Couldn't really be in this business woithout a bit of that, now could we? :p

Thats fur Sure ! Oh I didn't mean You, as in You! when I said I had a big empty floppy for You ! Or what ever! LOL

THanks for the site to create a bootdisk but the site is not responding any other sites you know of let me know.Thanks for your help. :p

try it's a good site and has everything. enjoy.

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