Cant open internet explorer it opens for a second then disappears. My wireless conection is connecting with the AP.

Where are you trying to open it from ,Desktop icon /or in start intenet explorer ./ or in all progrms /internt explorer . Have you tried all 3 icons to connect to IE

Where are you trying to open it from ,Desktop icon /or in start intenet explorer ./ or in all progrms /internt explorer . Have you tried all 3 icons to connect to IE

I have tried all three i even removed ie and reinstalled it through the registry. I believe i had a virus because something was using my virtual memory up. I am using BoClean but couldnt run an update due to the fact i couldnt connect to the internet. I click on ie and it disappears immediately somthing is preventing it from opening. I even downloaded a copy of mozilla firefox and it opens but wont connect, i have detect proxy settings on and still nothing happens. Im running an 802.11A Netgear wireless card on my laptop and its connecting to the AP ok because i have good signal strength , but i cant open IE for some reason and i dont want to do a factory restore. Thanks for the help any more suggestions are welcome.

I have tried all three i even removed ie and reinstalled it through the registry. I believe i had a virus because something was using my virtual memory up. I am using BoClean but couldnt run an update due to the fact i couldnt connect to the internet. I click on ie and it disappears immediately somthing is preventing it from opening. I even downloaded a copy of mozilla firefox and it opens but wont connect, i have detect proxy settings on and still nothing happens. Im running an 802.11A Netgear wireless card on my laptop and its connecting to the AP ok because i have good signal strength , but i cant open IE for some reason and i dont want to do a factory restore. Thanks for the help any more suggestions are welcome.

Hi.. did u manage to resolve this problem? I am interested to know because I am having the same problem.

My friend had this same issue. Since he could not stay connected to a browser long enough, I had to manually upload him the files via AIM messenger, the same ones listed in my sig. This did resolve his problem.

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