while playing some media files in my computer,sometimes it hangs with giving abnormal sound(It sounds Kyaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaa) and Task Manager also can't be opened,the key board doesn't work for power off.The power button of the CPU also doesn't work,But Re-start Button works ,and I have to Re-start the computer many times while operating.

I don't understand half of what you are trying to say but it sounds like you are running out of memory. How much memory do you have???

I have 1GB Ram,and 180 GB hard disk drive.I have Dual Core processor.My problem is for example I'm playing song or a movie in any one of the player i have.I opened only one program at a time,how can you say that its because of out of memory?In maximum cases,while playing songs it hangs and task manager also can't be opened,and I have to re-start my computer.Please help me.

I said it sounded like a memory problem, I did not say it was. You present quite a problem as it only happens sometimes not as soon as you start to play. As it works some of the time and then stops or freezes something else must be happening to cause the problem. Without any information from you, no one can help you fix the problem.
You could try a dozen things, try to repair windows from a fresh install of windows from your XP CD.

I have repaired windows And also have reinstalled. but the problem doesnt end. yes you are right that it doesnt hangs as soon as player start. it may hang at any time.
give me much suggestions. i will try them without hesitation.

I dont think it only happens when you running media.do normal activity without playing any media like browsing the net and see if it freeze's still.I feel it will still freeze. post reply and we take it from there

hold the power button in long enough and i bet it will work ,i think that maybe you cpu or even you ram is over heating, you have 1 gig ram is it 2x512 or 1x1024, if you have 2 stick of ram try removing one[and then the other ] running computer and see what happens .check cpu fan for dust build up .

try memtest86 to check the ram for errors

.check cpu fan for dust build up .

Im suspecting this might be causing the problem.

I assume you have a lot of dust on your fan?
Did it fix the problem?

Yes,It happened yesterday while playing game.My memory is (1*1024).But while playing game the sound is same as before.I don't think the processor stops working,its running when computer hangs.I think to press power button for a long time is not a solution to my problem.I too don't understand one or two sticks of the RAM you have said.

1 gig of ram can be either ,1 stick or 2 stick of 512 totaling 1 gig .it could be bad ram causing you problem ,to test the ram get memtest86 ,better still take it to repair shop and have it fixed

its bad files with viruses or some nasty in them durrrr delete the song go find another download of it.

if it was a ram issue the computer would freeze up and lock up alot does the computer do that if so then go get ram checked other than that its a bad download file

its bad files with viruses or some nasty in them durrrr delete the song go find another download of it.

if it was a ram issue the computer would freeze up and lock up alot does the computer do that if so then go get ram checked other than that its a bad download file

(I'm playing song or a movie in any one of the player ) thats from post #3 ,are you saying all his music and video are bad downloads

google ram and find a site that shows you photos on how to change RAM.
First look in your box and look around. If there are two strips about 4" (80mm) long next to each other, you have two sticks, if there is only one then you have a 1gig stick. You could still take it out and clean its contacts.

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