Dear Friends,

After copying the files in "My Document" to D drive, I've fomatted C drive and install OS. After the OS instalation and office software installations are done, I've tried open the files from D drive, but it couldn't open it. It tells me that access is denied. When I right click on the file it gives me only the "General". What should I do to open these files.


what do you mean when you say general?
right click and click explore?

I think u have copied shortcut of the file,that's why access is denied.

commented: good suggestion +2

I think u have copied shortcut of the file,that's why access is denied.

great thiking. Thats a good posibility

great thiking. Thats a good posibility

NO I copied the file not the short cut. I can see the exact sizes of all files. Shortcuts often sized to 1kb.


what do you mean when you say general?
right click and click explore?

Right click on the folder, and select property. After I select property I can only see "General" tab.


when you backed up the mydocuments folder did you get it from the desktop or this file path .
C:\Documents and Settings\your User name\mydocuments.

when you backed up the mydocuments folder did you get it from the desktop or this file path .
C:\Documents and Settings\your User name\mydocuments.

I copy the folder from the desktop. But not the folder icon. Just double click the my document forlder in the Desktop, and then copy the files found in it.


But i don't know why you wouldn't be able to open your data file.....what you need to do is take owner ship of all of whats on the d:\ drive. to do this you need to right click on your d:\, then select properties. then select Security. then select advance, when the permissions tab come up look down to the bottom and select the edit button. after selecting the edit button you should see somewhere towards the bottom a box you can check which replace all existing inheritable permissions on all descendants with inheritable permissions from the object. make sure you check that box then hit apply then ok. now you should be able to have you way.

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