The Dell Dimension 3000 just quit booting up and won't boot from cd or in safe mode.
when trying to get into safe with prompt it just list a bunch of drivers and then locks up.
Same is true when trying to boot normal it just goes to the splash screen and the green
bars lock up and that it is... a few minutes later the screen goes blank with just the mouse cursor active and on the black screen. Please help.

When you attempt to load Safe Mode what is the last driver displayed?

I used the Alt + F Alt + E Alt + B technique and somehow was able to get booted up...
however I did all the testing of the system and some of these errors keep popping up:
ERROR OF00:136C cannot open volume for direct accesss
then I got a wwkctbca.dll missing
then 16 bit sub system error
however I'm copying the windows system to a disk as I speak.

I found a audio controller with yellow in the device manager area and have cleared it and have downloaded the drivers for the sound card I have.
I ran all the confidence tests on the hard drive and memory and they all checked out okay.

I don't really know what I did to get back past the opening windows splash screen but I did
now perhaps you would know how to solve the problem I am having with this computer.
Thanks for your input.

Okay so it didn't reboot...
back to your orginal request:

multi (0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\agpCPQ.sys

wwkctbca.dll - if you typed that correctly then it is unknow, most likely a random malware naming. I'll shoot for a vundo variant. So when you get it running:
==Download this file to your desktop:
- to run it dclick combofix.exe and follow the prompts to start it. When finished, it will produce a log, C:\Combofix.txt - post that log in your next reply.
A word of caution - do not touch your mouse/keyboard until the scan has completed. The scan will temporarily disable your desktop, and if interrupted may leave your desktop disabled. If this occurs reboot to restore the desktop.
The agpCPQ.sys error... is your XP on a FAT32 partition?

I don't have AGP on my mb, so can't research that problem much further.... I don't know what the next driver being loaded would be.
Try Last Known Good to get back to a workable loading set. Run chkdsk.
Anyone else got ideas?

Early this morning I was able to restore the system with a recovery disk after I cleared the BIOS again, then I cleaned up the registry files and kicked some trash out.
Everything is working except for the two RUNDLL.EXE boxes that pop up on boot up with the following dll's highlighted (I searched the Registry files for them to no avail).
RUNDLL is a mystry to me as well.
wwkctbca.dll and dttykmca.dll
how does on get rid of those?
Thanks for helping me gerbil!

Wildbull, jump back up to post #5 and do that procedure - combofix. Those are malware items.
Rundll32.exe is a valid pgm which is called to run various apps from a library of them, a .dll file.

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