Hope some one can help. I just bought a new Toshiba computer with XP Home OS. I am trying to put my wifes XP office professional on there and it works well, except for Word. I am unable to save new documents under the "save" and "save as" options. What I get is an error message that reads "Compile error in hidden module: main" this error window is titled "Microsoft Visual Basic". I am unable to get useful information from "help" and I have run a search and detect with the original disk, as well as reinstall the original disk. This error originated when I was prompted to choose "enable macros" or "disable macros", when I first opened word, on a securtiy warning window. Security was set at high and when I enabled macros, the above mentioned problem came up. I have also run a virus check with recently updated Norton Anti-virus. Any ideas? Is it possible I am hitting a MS wall because I am using my wife's software that is already installed on her computer? I mean, we paid for it a year or so ago. Hope this is clear and enough information.