I would like as many opinions as I can get on this subject. I am trying to figure what system problems will result in a 192 IP address, and the fix for that problem. I will start with, unscrew the coax and that will result in a 192. Your thoughts greatly appreciated.

Are you sure you don't mean a 169.254.x.x address? Usually a 192 address means everything is working.

a 192 is a publis IP address and dependind on you ISP you can get one even if you are directley connected modem to PC. Although most time a 192 IP suggest you have a personal router. but a 192 ip is a good valid working IP

Are you sure you don't mean a 169.254.x.x address? Usually a 192 address means everything is working.

You're absolutely correct if a router is in place. To get a 192 without a router means something's not connected, either physically or Network Connection-wise.

a 192 is a publis IP address and dependind on you ISP you can get one even if you are directley connected modem to PC. Although most time a 192 IP suggest you have a personal router. but a 192 ip is a good valid working IP

I may be incorrect on this. There's always more than one answer to a problem. My ISP dishes out DHCP dynamic IPs, 68.,69.,71.,75.76. and even 98. The 192 is an internal IP dished out by the router. If you disco the coax your computer will automatically give you a 192; hook it back up and you'll get your 69 or whatever. My experience has been when the coax gets screwed up visavi swapping back and forth two computers on one modem the confused coax will dish out a 169. And there can also be a problem physically with the modem. Sometimes, but not always, when you get a 192, it can be broken the same way you clear a 169, but this is not always the case. I know there are other reasons and I'm trying to find out what I'm missing. Thanks for the reply BTW.

192 indicates that this is a class C network and is used mainly in private home router. If your ISP is handling out an IP address starting at 68, then this is a class A network.

IP's starting with 192 is considered a non routing IP address.

192 indicates that this is a class C network and is used mainly in private home router. If your ISP is handling out an IP address starting at 68, then this is a class A network.

IP's starting with 192 is considered a non routing IP address.

Right on, thank you

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