Hi all,

I am a new member in Danyweb and I would like to ask you about my problem in my laptop.

I have a toshiba laptop. I bought it three years ago and until one month ago, it seems my laptop were working well. However, now, it always restart automatically in random period. Before restarts, It shows blue screen with ( 0xff1511f2). At first, I think its because hardware problem. I had uninstalled my new hardware(printer) but I still have following problems. Furthermore, I format my laptop to make sure everythings going well but in fact, it does not work according my plan as well. I still have same problem. I wonder how to fix that following problems ?

any suggestion guys. I am really appreciate with all of your suggestions. I look forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks


Arif Liminto

welcome to Daniweb ,first thing i would try is to repair windows ,do this by booting the computer to the winxp cd ,and hit "R" for repair type in 1 when asked then at the prompt type in this note there is a space between the K and /,CHKDSK /p/f
when check disk finishes remove the winxp cd and type in exit ,to restart computer


That one is just same like formating right? if I am formating the laptop, its mean that my broken window is replaced by new one. but in fact, It still cause same problem


That one is just same like formating right? if I am formating the laptop, its mean that my broken window is replaced by new one. but in fact, It still cause same problem

no ,chkdsk /p/f is only a fix .not a format .if you formatted and re-loded winxp and you still have problem then its not likely software,but likely hardware problem

Hi, thanks so much for your help.

I just want to ask you how to indentify the hardware that cause the problem. I have tried to uninstall my latest hardware ( printer) but it still cause the same problem.

Looking forward to your response. Thank you.


Arif Liminto

I don't read em but the memory dump file contains the info that will show what hardware is causing it .

is it something like this :

( 0xFF1511F2,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x804d9f68)

from that code, is there any clue what hardware that cause the problem?


Arif Liminto

is it something like this :

( 0xFF1511F2,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x804d9f68)

from that code, is there any clue what hardware that cause the problem?


Arif Liminto

that is a start for some who know more about it than i ,but when you get the blue screen it says on the screen memory dump created ,and it saves it the harddrive and that is what you need to save to have all then info ,but they have to be deciphered by a debug program or something like that .way to technical for me .

Hi , Finally, I figure it out that I have a broken hardware. If my wireless turned off, my laptop does not restart it, so I just need to fix my wireless. However, for temporary, I use cable to connect to internet.

Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.


Arif Liminto

your welcome

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