Good Day!

Can someone help me to install Symantec Anti-Virus in Windows 98. I'm taking a hard time to install it. There's a message saying that it can't proceed to installing until you update your OS. Please help me to do it...


-=[ PJ ]=-

Unfortunately Symantic Antivirus 2009 (as well as most current antivirus software) is not compatible with windows 98. If it's not an option for you to upgrade to a more current operating system I'd suggest using Clamwin ( it's the only Anti-Virus program I could find that was:
1: Compatible with Windows 98
2: A program I've had experience with before
3: Free (wasn't a requirement, but a perk)

thanks to you! i just found out that my windows 98 OS should be updated in microsoft windows update. it works when i update it.

Thanks again!!!

-=[ PJ ]=-

That's really strange, their website says it's not compatible with windows 98... I suppose they just wont certify it's compatibility, but it will work with the right updates, good luck.

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