I recently installed Windows Server 2003 Standard to perform some software testing for the company I work for. The problem is that now I need to install Windows XP on my PC (which is the original OS that I have for this PC) but I can not see any options to uninstall Windows 2003, format the C: drive, as I am getting an access denied error, or fdisk. When I insert the Windows XP installation disk on the CD drive, the setup program starts but then reaches a certain points where it detects no supported products for upgrades.

I would appreciate any help.....


(suggestion)I would reverse the order of installation XP then server 2003

the problem is that I already have Windows 2003 Server on my machine. I can not install Windows XP, neither can I uninstall Windows 2003

You cant Fdisk it?It does not give you the promp to erase all the drives when you put in the cd ? I can write .........or I might already have a batch file around here some where it might be in my buddies room next door....1sec

the fdisk command is not available for Windows 2003

OK, when you boot up with the Windows XP CD, you should got through the normal process of F8 to accept some CULA or something agreement, and then be prescent with something like ENTER to install Windows or Esc to Cancel.

Then once you hit enter, you should be presented with a screen listing you Hard Drives and partitions. Just delete the partition with Windows 2003 Server and Format and install. All done from the Windows XP CD.

Yes...I am doing it right now. But I am also installing Linux as well. So I know this works.

the fdisk command is not available for Windows 2003

That's because you need to boot to a pure DOS environment to use fdisk.

I was in the same situation. I had installed a 6 month Trial version of Windows 2003 server and I was nearing the end of the trial, so I had to get rid of it Somehow!

I downloaded and installed about 10 different "Partitioning" programs from www.download.com till I finally found one that did the trick. I installed "OSL2000 Boot Manager 8.46". Here's the current link to the site:

After the program installed, i Restarted and it took me to a Dos-like menu where you only use the Keyboard. I was able to somehow delete the primary partition.

Then when the drives are whiped clean, and formatted, reboot and press F2 or "delete" or whatever to get into the BIOS and change to "Boot from CDROM".

Then Put the Windows XP disk in and when you reboot again...it should take you through the XP installation. This installation will also be "DOS-like" and not the bubbley MAC-like windows XP menus we've all grown to love.

When the installation is done you will need to reboot-F2 (may need to CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot) to get to the BIOS and change it back to "boot from Hard Drive"

Then it should boot XP like normal - Isn't it great to see those lovely rolling green hills again??

Had a similar problem. It turns out that my trouble was boot order in BIOS - was floppy then hard drive then CD - when I changedto CD then Hard drive, I easily got Windows XP CD to load over Windows Server 2003. I chose the option to delete partition and completely reformat hard drive early in Windows XP install.

i will install window 2003. but not to finish to install the driver after that iwill turn off my computer. when i turn on again my computer, the window set up is still run. how to remove or delete this server 2003 please help me.

willie flores;
Bin. Rizal.

You have posted on a dead thread, start your own thread and give more information about your PC and your problem.
Did you install windows 2003? Did you turn your PC off before the installation had finished and when you turn it on again it want to complete the installation? What happens when you start?
Do you have another operating system on your PC?
Do you have another operating system on disk?

I recently installed Windows Server 2003 Standard to perform some software testing for the company I work for. The problem is that now I need to install Windows XP on my PC (which is the original OS that I have for this PC) but I can not see any options to uninstall Windows 2003, format the C: drive, as I am getting an access denied error, or fdisk. When I insert the Windows XP installation disk on the CD drive, the setup program starts but then reaches a certain points where it detects no supported products for upgrades.

I would appreciate any help.....


go here , youn can get the suprise help : www.partitionwizard.com

no other option other than inserting the server 2003 cd in the drive n completing the installation... then only u can get rid of the problem ... n never go for server 2003 installtion or drivers ... u can get downloads of drivers required...

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