Hey, I just recently had a windows xp partition fail (blue screen of death), so i decided to just get a new SATA drive and install a new windows xp pro partition. After restarting the computer 20 times to set the slave and master drives for SATA, i tried to open the 'My Documents' folder on the old harddrive in the new OS, but it gives me the simple "Access is denied" message and won't let me access the file from that hard drive.

How can i remove the read-only property from that folder, or at least how can i just access the files in it?


The easy part first, to change the file Right Click on it and click "Properties" Change the attributes there.
As for the other first try :- Start, Control Panel, user accounts, then as an administrator create a new administrator account. Then log out and log in with the new account name and try accessing the file then. If it works, you can use that account and delete the original.

i tried to open the 'My Documents' folder on the old harddrive in the new OS, but it gives me the simple "Access is denied" message and won't let me access the file from that hard drive.

hi ,this happens to me when trying to save file for customers ,by putting there hdd in my computer ,its cause is related to the fact that there was a password on the account when you used this drive , ii would just put the drive back in there computer and remove the password ,but of course there are times when that wasn't possible because windows was corrupt/or blue screening .i then would have to try a "chkdsk /f" to get the computer working to remove the password ,

you could also try this if you are using winxp Pro,

If you are running XP Home it is a bit more difficult.
You have to boot into SAFE MODE by pressing F8 while the computer boots, then log onto an administrator account.


first of all I think u r risking a lot by saving your documents into the "my documents" (because it lies on the C partition) folder.
And I will explain u why:
U should always create at least one extra partition besides the default C, lets say a D particion and always save there your data. This advantageous for many reasons:
-If your windows install corrupts u can still access the data in D using KNOPPIX or any other LINUX LIVE CD or WINPE LIVE CD. (google them if u dont know anythingthem)
-The viruses that format partitions, do that 95% of the cases for the C partitions
-Even if u use a password to log in in windows, u can access the data in D using any BOOT CD or USB

So to your problem now. To unlock a file or folder from any kind of reason there is very good software available called UNLOCKER.

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