Well, I'm an IT professional in my first real IT job. Unfortunatly I've come across this problem that I don't know how to solve.
We have a computer where we have all of our shared files located on a seperate drive called the F drive. Which there is 215GB of space on that drive so I'm all set there.
But noticing the C drive (which is only around 5gb of space running Windows 2000) it goes down every few days 15-20 MB. Normally I wouldn't notice but recently it's gotten to a point where the C drive has gotten to less than a Gig of space and its throwing errors and acting all funny.
I've gone through and freed up some of the space on it. (Deleting old unused files, moving programs to a seperate drive etc) but it obviously isn't a perminate fix. I know that symantec endpoint takes up a lot of space on the C drive but I've still knocked it down to the bare minimum on the C drive and it's still mysteriously loosing space.
Has anyone else ever noticed this problem on any computer? If so, what did you do to solve this issue?