I tried to install win 98 using an old cd i got with a pc purchased about 4 years ago... the problem is i have no idea where the product key is!!! Now I want to uninstall everything but obviously can't get past the screen that asks me to input the key...

Can anyone please, please help me?

is it on the bottom of the case? or on the CD case? or on the user manual

don't think so - i remember having a card-type certificate but can't find it... I don't even want 98 on there now, but don't know how to uninstall it...

No need to uninstall, just format the partition...

You can copy the format command to a floppy and type format c:

You might want to make that floppy bootable or at least make sure your CD will work as a boot device to install another operating system...

Format program should be in C:\windows\command\

No need to uninstall, just format the partition...

You can copy the format command to a floppy and type format c:

You might want to make that floppy bootable or at least make sure your CD will work as a boot device to install another operating system...

Format program should be in C:\windows\command\

i don't have a floppy drive, but i can put one in though if it's necessary...
do i have to use dos? if so, how do i get to it from start up?

how do i copy the format command to a floppy?

(let's for a moment pretend i know nothing about formatting, installing os etc)

start>programs>Dos Prompt

start>programs>Dos Prompt

i don't have windows running cos i haven't got the key... how do i get to dos before windows starts up and tells me to enter the key... or is there another way to remove windows98 when you get to the 'enter key' stage but don't have a key

At this point I would say set the CMOS to boot to the CD first then boot to the CD and select command prompt with cd support

you should see... c:\

assuming CD is drive D...

you type d: <enter>
you see... D:\

you type cd win98 <enter>
you see... D:\win98\

You type format c: <enter>
Answer YES to verify format c:

Good Luck

Looks like your link kicked the bucket dlh6213 :(. Oh well...let me help :):

There are several methods you can use to uncover your lost product key for the version of Windows that you currently have installed on your PC.

Method A. For older versions of Windows you can extract the product key from the Windows Registry. Click on the Start button > on the menu click on Run and then type regedit and press enter or click on OK.

For Windows 95 and Windows 98, browse to this key:


For Windows NT 4.0, browse to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductID

Method B. Software: There are some freeware software programs that can help you:

• Rock XP: Free program that lets your retrieve and change your Windows XP Product Key.

• Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder: One of the best free tool for this task. In addition to finding and identifying product keys for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, it can also uncover product keys for installed versions of Microsoft Office.

Windows Key Finders : This is actually a group of tools that can be used for unearthing product keys for different versions of Windows.

commented: Thanks for the help! :) -- dlh +2

Kenfused... Yes we got Mullen fixed up...
That was a month ago...

I need to clarify one point...

Was the key EVER entered for the system you are working on...?
or do you just have a CD you want to use and no serial number?

To anyone reading this:


My wife has FRAGGED our home computer. I have read this and other related posts, to no avail. I DO NOT HAVE A CD, CERTIFICATE, NOR IS THERE A STICKER ON/INSIDE MY MACHINE...NADA. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN- NADA!

So, what can I do? The only thing I can do is get the damn thing to get to the "enter your product key" page, no further. To complicate matters, I only need to extract files from my desktop she left there, nothing else. And no, I cannot recreate the files. I cannot load safe mode, command prompt to get to the C: or anything! Further, if I can't get past this stage, how does a person use a program to extract the key from the registry?

Damn if this doesn't have me stumped.

Can I ask Microsoft for the key based upon the fact that I registered the product key by verifying my identity with them? After all, it is MY license that I paid for, right?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you cna, please send me an e-mail, as I am using another computer and may not be able to access this page again, but my yahoo account I can get anywhere.

My e-mail is: bwhite_24@yahoo.com


Did you really pay for the license?
If you have no CDs, no certificates, no nothing it sounds like you didn't.
If you got a preinstalled machine and were billed for Windows you may well have been ripped off by a store installing pirated versions of Windows (it happens more than you may think) as they should have supplied you with at least a certificate which would mention your key (this is usually a sticker on the side of your PC these days) and possibly with a CD as well (depending on the installed OS).
They should also have included a CD image on the harddisk so you can create your own recovery CD.

PS, screaming in all caps isn't going to make people like you any better.
PPS, hijacking other peoples' questions for your own is seriously frowned upon.
PPPS, asking for private assistance is seriously frowned upon.

I doubt MS is going to help you, but it can't hurt to try. You might have better luck contacting the manufacturer of the computer. I have an e-Machine that I had this problem with once; I called them up and they gave it to me in just a few minutes.

Without a CD, how are you getting to the "enter your product key" page?

How exactly did the computer become 'fragged'?

I doubt MS is going to help you, but it can't hurt to try. You might have better luck contacting the manufacturer of the computer. I have an e-Machine that I had this problem with once; I called them up and they gave it to me in just a few minutes.

Without a CD, how are you getting to the "enter your product key" page?

For OEM software Microsoft will (quite rightly so as that's the support contract for OEM software) tell you to contact your hardware vendor.

I have an idea where that CD may have come from, there's so many "backup copies" available from friends and friends' friends...

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