I got XP Pro SP1 and my wireless connection is slow. How can I increase the speed?

It's weird but on ubuntu, my wireless connection is fast. Anyway, how do I increase my wireless connection speed? I got the latest drivers installed, by the way.


You are running XP Sp1. XPs wireless support sucks, although wireless in SP2 is much better thanks to a hack called Windows Zero Configuration. XP is an old OS and was never designed to support wireless anyway, it was only natively supported with the advent of vista

You are running XP Sp1. XPs wireless support sucks, although wireless in SP2 is much better thanks to a hack called Windows Zero Configuration. XP is an old OS and was never designed to support wireless anyway, it was only natively supported with the advent of vista

hi, jbennet, I appreciate your reply. Yes, I have SP1 and I do see Wireless Zero Configuration installed under Services. But, I'm not sure I have it because when I bring up the wireless window, it doesn't say 'Zero Wireless Configuration' on top. Also, do you think there's an updated Wireless Zero Configuration in SP2? The reason why I haven't updated to SP2 is because of fear of slowing down my computer. WIth that said, I got 2 questions:

1) Do you think that installing SP2 will slow my computer down? I ask this because bootup time is 27 secs and apps load up lightening fast.

2) Is there an updated Windows Zero Configuration in SP2?

3) How can I find out for sure that I got Zero Wireless Configuration installed for sure?


SP2 is essential. Sp1 aint supported any more so you are basically inviting malware in if you dont update. And yes, Sp2 includes much better wireless support.

SP2 is essential. Sp1 aint supported any more so you are basically inviting malware in if you dont update. And yes, Sp2 includes much better wireless support.

hi jbennet. I had asked you a couple of questions. I want to know if updating to SP2 will slow my computer boot up time. Will SP2 also slow down loading of apps?

Also, I'm not interested in inviting malware. I want a faster net speed, that's all. I hope you're not telling me to update to SP2 because of potenital malware. My net speed takes importance.


it shouldnt slow down loading.

Just out of interest, what speed broadband do you have, and what speed wireless are you using?

it shouldnt slow down loading.

Just out of interest, what speed broadband do you have, and what speed wireless are you using?

hi jbennet. In reply to your enquiry, I got intel Pro/Wireless 2200GB. I got the latest driver for it. What's weird is that I''m able to download a big file at 170 kB/s but my web browsing speed is slow as crap. Could there be a bottleneck preventing the browser from fully accessing the optimal speed?

What browser you using?

What browser you using?

hi, jbennet. It really doesn't matter what browser I'm using. However, I'm using opera and firefox. Again, the browser IS NOT the issue.

so its slow no matter what browser?

you using a straight connection or a proxy?

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