Hey all,

I'm currently having problems with my laptop. It will start up and will work fine for maybe 2-3mins then it will freeze, this happens everytime. Safe mode works fine and thats how I'm posting this thread. I have tried system restore to no avail, and the fan is working correctly and there is no noticable dust. Any recommendations or help as to how to rectify the situation would be great :)

Acer Aspire 5920G
Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7300
Nvidea GeForce 8600M GS

I will post any other specs on request. Cheers.

I should also add, I have scanned the computer using Norton Anti-Virus and it found no Viruses present.

Computer freezing may occur due to corruption in registry.. Fix the registry through regedit...( manual process)..If you are not able to repair the registry manually.. then try Registry Repair software...

Hope this works...

also try scanning with Malwarebytes and see if you can any results...and it's a free Anti-Malware program...

Try system restoration if cleaning with antivirus is impossible if still fails too bad you will have to reinstall the Os

commented: Read the forum rules. Don't post in a dead thread! -1
commented: Rep fix. There is no rule against posting in an old thread. +15

Apologies for not giving more detail at this time.

3 most likely problems: drivers, services, and programs.

Research how to troubleshoot driver problems, how to prevent unneeded/unwanted services from starting, and how to prevent unneeded/unwanted programs from starting during bootup.

Guys stop posting in a dead thread. That original poster have not come back for a long time. he has not been here since 2008. Next time check the dates before posting

Looks like DaniWeb needs a mechanism to delete old threads. At a minimum, you should have a way to report old threads to a "moderator" who could delete them.

Another idea would be to include "original posting date" on the thread listing so that the "last post" date doesn't make a thread look so current.

try to go to run command then type msconfig the uncheck all the category there then click ok and restart hope it works...

Benmar see my previos post and the other posters post. You will know why.

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