Recently I have been having problems with a dell inspiron 6000 laptop booting past the welcome screen. It won't. I have performed a fixboot and chkdsk through the recovery console of the xp disk. It has service pack 2 installed. It also will not continue into safe mode because it lags on mup.sys, but then continues to the welcome screen at which it freezes. Any help would be much appreciated. I am trying to avoid reformatting. Thanks.

Download the ultimate boot cd 4 windows (http://www.ubcd4win.com/) and use it to restore the system to a previous restore point. If that doesn't work let us know.

Will doing a system restore change system files? I was under the impression that they only revert the registry. But I will try it and post the results.

Also, which program specifically did you want me to use, erunt or regreswiz?

regreswiz is the one I use. It's worked so far for me.

erunt is for backing up registry ,so you should use it first then the other one

. I have performed a chkdsk .

did you do a chkdsk /p/f , or just chkdsk

hey, try to install windows..but choose "repair" during installation so you can still have your data..good luck...

I attempted to make the UBCD, but for some odd reason my copy of XP would not copy a specific dll file. So, I ended up reformatting the whole thing. Thanks anyways guys. Is there any specific program that you guys recommend I use to prevent any kids from getting on websites that may lead to viruses or malware? I am thinking about using NetNanny.

Yeah you cant use DELL cds.

I cant make a BARTPE cd from my dell xp disk, seems dell do something wierd to thier OEM media.

. to prevent any kids from getting on websites that may lead to viruses or malware?

no suggestion ,just a comment, not just kids go to sites that get viruses ,15,000 legit websites are hacked daily and links stolen for virus/trojan use !
I get hit as does my wife on legitimate websites

Yeah, as it turns out it was a dell CD. I do have xpsp2, but it is separated into two cd's. I think i will just find the iso online through torrents. Thanks guys.

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