Here's the situation:

I need to recover some files from a broken hard drive
The hard drive is connected to my PC via IDE apaptor
I cannot access the files I need because I don't have permission

I can change the security settings of the folder in Safe Mode
But I basically don't know what I need to do..
I've managed to actually open the folder, but all the folders and files within it are still restricted.

If anyone knows what to do, please tell me. I'm using XP Home edition

You could just give Everybody read permissions on everything

what you mean by broken hard drive? does the hard drive got bad sectors or what? if the hard drive cannot boot only..try to reinstall the OS and choose "Repair" during installation so you can retrieve your data...if it is a bad sector..then wish you good luck...


Normally if you are moving or copying data from one folder or disk to another disk drive the access rights do not copy. In your case you are copying data from an NTFS volume and it has required to reset the security permissions on that folder's.
There are two steps to access the folder.
Remember you are login as administrator.
1. You will need to reset the security permissions.
2. You will need to replace the OwnerShip on the folder.
Follow the steps for step 1 and 2.
Step 1.
Right click on folder and select sharing and security --> Security.
Select everyone group and select alow full control. Also do the same for administrator account.
Step 2.
Change the ownership to administrator.
In the Security Tab click on Advance and then click on Owner.
Select Administrators
Check the box.. Replace owner on subcontainer and objects. Click apply and click ok. may be take a few minuts depends on size of data in the folder.
After this you can acess your folders.

<snip email>

Here's the situation:

I need to recover some files from a broken hard drive
The hard drive is connected to my PC via IDE apaptor
I cannot access the files I need because I don't have permission

I can change the security settings of the folder in Safe Mode
But I basically don't know what I need to do..
I've managed to actually open the folder, but all the folders and files within it are still restricted.

If anyone knows what to do, please tell me. I'm using XP Home edition

Apply the steps given below. You have changed the security settings only. As i told you to change the ownership of the root folder, so this way you will access the subfolders as well. Always follow the instructions completly.
I have seen here you have applied the security setttings but you missed the ownership. So do it and enjoy,

Mujeeb ur rehman


Normally if you are moving or copying data from one folder or disk to another disk drive the access rights do not copy. In your case you are copying data from an NTFS volume and it has required to reset the security permissions on that folder's.
There are two steps to access the folder.
Remember you are login as administrator.
1. You will need to reset the security permissions.
2. You will need to replace the OwnerShip on the folder.
Follow the steps for step 1 and 2.
Step 1.
Right click on folder and select sharing and security --> Security.
Select everyone group and select alow full control. Also do the same for administrator account.
Step 2.
Change the ownership to administrator.
In the Security Tab click on Advance and then click on Owner.
Select Administrators
Check the box.. Replace owner on subcontainer and objects. Click apply and click ok. may be take a few minuts depends on size of data in the folder.
After this you can acess your folders.

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