I returned to my computer yesterday and went to open my Outlook 2003. It will not open and run as usual.
I receive this message:
The data file 'Personal Folders' was not closed properly. This file is being checked for problems.
The it starts checking the file(s) says may take a few minutes; quickly goes to 60 seconds then 55 seconds then 5 seconds remaining. At 5 seconds remaining it hangs up and makes my entire computer freeze up!
The only way for me to unfreeze the computer is to shut it off manually by pressing the power button.
I've done some Google searches and tried a few solutions with no positive response. I have since changed the OUTCMD.DAT file name and tried again... No luck!
Can anyone here provide me with a solution? I so NEED to get into my Outlook 2003 to check e mail and have access to the e mails within that program!
Thanking you in advance for your help/cooperation!
Blog Dog