Sometimes my pictures will not come up, I get the rectangle block with the RED X

What is this, how do I fix it?

rectange block with RED x, it' might be a corrupted file .. have you tried viewing the file..? or you can't view at all?

rectange block with RED x, it' might be a corrupted file .. have you tried viewing the file..? or you can't view at all?

ITS sporatic, off an on on certain sites?

Problem APPEARS to be confined to ONE site, now what?>

Hi Djm123, The problem is most likely a bad link to the picture that is trying to load. Perform the following to test the link.
1) Right click the area where the picture should be.
2) Click on Properties
3) A window will pop up. About half way down you will see "Address" and beside that a URL that starts with http://
4) Copy and Paste the URL in your address bar of you web browser and hit enter.
5) If the page does not load it is a broken link and there is nothing wrong on your end. It's bad code in the website.

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