I have a 2800 celeron computer running windows XP with SP2 installed and 256 rams.
I have a problkem in that my mouse (optical) keeps either freezing the computer or simply stops responding. If you move the mouse slowly it is Ok but it then starts to "stick" indentically to how my old mouse with the ball used to stick when the internal rollers got dirty. If U respond the same way as we used to in making wide sweeping motions with the mouse, the computer freezes. If U leave it alone it sometimes comes back after a brief pause (1-2 seconds) or else if U alt tab to another application sometimes it also unfreezes the mouse. Sometimes just out of the blue the pointer will be lost or simply freeze, or the whole computer will freeze including the keyboard.
I have checked event viewer and it fails to given any notification or discription of what happened. However in application there is a lot of messages as follows although they do not coincide with the mouse freezing
Product:Windows Operating System
Component:Application Event Log
Message:The content index filter for file "%1" generated content data more than %2 times the file's size
There seems to be this above message about 6 per minute.
There are a few other errors but none as prevalent as this. When the computer shuts down it also sometimes returns an error message with respect to the WUA (wub?) program.(windows automatic Upgrade)
Any ideas???
Thanks Steven