Hi all

Am using Vista home OS here i install vb6.0 and run Progressbar.ocx file couldn't loading, so i download progressbar.ocx and register for using regsvr32.exe but this type of error occuring(this module"c:\windows\system32\progressbar.ocx" was loaded but the call to dllregisterserver failed with error code 0x8004005) plz help to clear this error


mauro.belini.3 commented: #339 +0

you want to run cmd as admin. then try to register the ocx

how can register using CMD

open the command prompt as the administrator. then do the same thing as using run. regsvr32.exe "ocx path"

Thanks for ur reply,i try but same error can displayed...

I wasted hours and hours on the same problem only to find an obscure solution. There is a problem with registering an ocx and some DLLs with Vista. After you install your program, use Regsvr to UNregister the dll, then immdiately re-register it. For the ocx problems I had, just reregistering the ocx corrected the issue.

The following example for the FlexGrid conbtrol...
get a command prompt and enter...

RegSvr32 msflxgrd.ocs /U

The ocx should UNregister. Then immediately....

Regsvr32 msflxgrd.ocx

Then try your application.

I tried the same and it is also not working

Run cmd ---> RegSvr32 path_to_your_ocx_file.ocx
in SAFEMODE and it's solved.

commented: IT IS WORKS +0

I do not know; how to thank you?


well if you put ur ocx file or dll file in system32

go to run
type cmd
then regsvr32 __________

just write the name of the dll or ocx instead of the space ^^

i hope i helped some1
good luck

Thanks Henry!!! Your solution worked fine on Windows 7 too. After unregistering and re-registering MCI32.OCX and MSCOMCT2.OCX, they both work fine under Windows 7 now.

KUDOS - I don't have to tear any more hair out (and there's not much left to tear out either!)

Chris Curtis

I wasted hours and hours on the same problem only to find an obscure solution. There is a problem with registering an ocx and some DLLs with Vista. After you install your program, use Regsvr to UNregister the dll, then immdiately re-register it. For the ocx problems I had, just reregistering the ocx corrected the issue.

The following example for the FlexGrid conbtrol...
get a command prompt and enter...

RegSvr32 msflxgrd.ocs /U

The ocx should UNregister. Then immediately....

Regsvr32 msflxgrd.ocx

Then try your application.

Very simple,

just right click on "Command Prompt" and click on "Run as administrator"

then do regsvr32 xxxxxxxxx

it will work 100%


For graph32.ocx , there are 5 dependency files
- gsw32.exe
- gswdll32.dll
- olepro32.dll
- mfc40.dll
- msvcrt40.dll
for gsw32.exe and gswdll32.dll, you can copy both of it and place in %windir%\system32
but for olepro32.dll , mfc40.dll , msvcrt40.dll , there already exit in %windir%\system32 with newer verion and were fixed permision for "trusted installer" , you must resolve for its permission before /* and backup all of it too or take restoreing point by WIN7 */. Then copy old version that come from <CD>\COMMON\TOOLS\VB\CONTROLS to place at here.

by these. > regsvr32 /u c:\windows\system32\graph32.ocx will no problem for system registration.

Since of MSChart be an official replacement of graph32,It should be a better way ....

Nuttapon T.

commented: Don't post in a old thread. Read the forum rules -1
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