Hey guys,
I bought a new computer with 4 gigs of ram, 64 bit windows vista OS, dual core 2.4 ghz processor. . and I'm having some problems with it. Firefox frequently seems to mess up. Sometimes it won't stop loading a page when I click 'X', it will become unresponsive and not let me highlight the contents of the address bar, etc. I was wondering if it could be related to running a 32 bit version of firefox on 64 bit windows, but it should run correctly as far as I know. Oh, and when I play youtube videos, even though the video is already loaded, it will sometimes stop playing, show the loading circle, then resume after it loads. . although that might not be a problem, I find it surprising that my machine which should be plenty powerful could have trouble playing a 4 minute video. I also experienced a couple other things that seem strange to me, but meh.