Hi Guys

I recently reinstalled windows on my system and like an idiot i did not keep/lost my driver disks for my graphics card and sound.

Ive managed to get the graphics card drivers downloaded and working but I can't get any sound on my system. The motherboard is and MSI motherboard and the sound card thing slots into that but I can't see a makers name on it.

Is there an easy way of searching for the hardware and installing drivers or at least finding a site to download them?

Anyone able to help?

First of, is it onboard sound or a pci sound card?
If it's onboard sound then goto msi's website, then goto there download page for drivers & then type in your motherboards model number. That should sort you out.
If it's a pci sound card & there is no obvious markings then look at the chipset on the card. It's the little numbers or letters on the black chip & do a general net search for them.
Might look like: AD1897

www.driverguide.com is a great site for downloading any drivers.

Hope that helps.

Cheers mate, sorry though, how do I know if its a PCI? Its like a seperate chip to the motherboard and it slots into the motherboard.

It's gota be a pci slot. It is a white slot around 4" inchs or so.
If thats the case, definitley look at the chipset on it, if your not sure what it is just write out whats on the black chip or what ever writing you can find & let us take alook.
Could you also tell me just out of curiosity what model no. is for your motherboard?

Mate, I've sorted it. It was onboard, the card i thought it was was just the card that had the speaker jacks on it!!

The Motherboard is MS-6712 which turns out to be RealTek AC'97 Audio(find out from search on MSI website)

Bobs your mothers brother I now have sound, nice

Could you tell me where on MSI you found the driver. I loaded XP on my PC and it can't find my sound driver. I have the same motherboard. I went to MSI, but all my searches couldn't find the model. I also went to driverguide.com and my searches all directed me to MSI's site. Please help, I am feeling completely illiterate!!!! Thanks

Mate, I've sorted it. It was onboard, the card i thought it was was just the card that had the speaker jacks on it!!

The Motherboard is MS-6712 which turns out to be RealTek AC'97 Audio(find out from search on MSI website)

Bobs your mothers brother I now have sound, nice

Your MB Page at MSI Definitely not the easiest site to navigate!

Could you tell me where on MSI you found the driver. I loaded XP on my PC and it can't find my sound driver. I have the same motherboard. I went to MSI, but all my searches couldn't find the model. I also went to driverguide.com and my searches all directed me to MSI's site. Please help, I am feeling completely illiterate!!!! Thanks

Awesome, thanks so much. My world is full of sound again.

Your MB Page at MSI Definitely not the easiest site to navigate!

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