Windows 98 2nd ed

internet explorer 6.0

date problem started 08-26-03

a sound of a single drip of water sounds over the speakers now when I load a web page. I have only noticed the sound while I am online, so far I have not heard water drip while running any programs offline.

Has anyone heard of this, and better yet know what is causing it, and how to repair.


D Cantrell

Does this only happen when you load one particular web page or website? If so then then the "water drip" sound could just be an embedded sound in the source code of the webpage that gets triggered when the page loads.

Also, depending on what kind of desktop theme you may have will change your default sounds to whatever came with that theme.

the sound of the water drip happens with every web page that I open, and I do not run any desktop themes. I have checked the few places that I cound think of (which is not very many) in different settings for sounds, and I can not find any changes from defult.

D Cantrell

In the control panel under sounds, have you played each individual sound to see if one of them was the water drip?

do you have a program like cookie patrol or cookie crusher , if so they sounds in them to tell when a cookie is being rejected ,if you do you should be able to shut off sounds in there preferences ,this would account for hearing the noise only when you open web sites .

A sound of a single drip of water sounds over the speakers now when I load a web page.

The newest version of the Google Toolbar uses a pop sound to indicate that it is blocking a pop-up. Do you have it installed?

The Toolbar makes a good pop-up blocker, by the way...

I hear the same noise. I do have the Google toolbar installed and the noise it makes when blocking pop-ups is different. I have even uninstalled it and the drip noise is still there. It happens on most websites. I've sampled every sound in the control panel and none of them are the same.

Try searching your entire hard drive(s) for all sound files (.wav , .mp3 etc.) and try everyting you find tilyou locate your noise. at least then you'll be able to tell where it is on the disk and that should help us all find a way to get rid of it.......

Maybe it is a virus emulating Chinese water torture :)

(Do I mean Chinese water torture or is that the one where they hang you upside down in a pool of water?)

Anyway that one where they torture/brain wash you by tying you to a chair in a room with a dripping tap for hours and hours.

I hear the same noise. I do have the Google toolbar installed and the noise it makes when blocking pop-ups is different. I have even uninstalled it and the drip noise is still there. It happens on most websites. I've sampled every sound in the control panel and none of them are the same.

You say it happens on every site ,when does it happen ,when the site is loading ,when you use the mmouse on the site ,or when you click on a link o n the site ??

virus checking is definitely recommended - should be done whenever the computer starts doing something new without asking - its not only God who moves in mysterious ways...

P.S. - anyone else think cscgal is a honey?

Way off topic, but yes - definitely very cute! I din't know that technically able girls who were that cute existed! :)

Down Boys, Down!LOL

are off topic messages allowed in the PS section of a post? - just an etiquette enquiry...

by the way - dcantrell - hobacks - any joy?

Windows 98 2nd ed

internet explorer 6.0

date problem started 08-26-03

a sound of a single drip of water sounds over the speakers now when I load a web page. I have only noticed the sound while I am online, so far I have not heard water drip while running any programs offline.

Has anyone heard of this, and better yet know what is causing it, and how to repair.


D Cantrell

Hi there,
I have the same problem and have been going crazy trying to find it. It just started this last week. My virus protection is up to date.. Did you ever figure out what was causing it?

Are you using any MS themes? from XP plus?

I am running windows 98.. I found the wav file responsible for the sound but what I want to find out is why this is happening. Its "drop.wav". Could it be some sort or virus that norton is not picking up on. My virus definitions are up to date??? Its driving me nuts!


Just found this thread through google when looking for an answer to the identical problem you've been experiencing. The solution in my instance was contained within the thread already. It was a notification by a sub program of pest patrol called cookie patrol that notifies about cookies in some manner. Anyway to disable it was simple, in the system tray you should have a Pest Patrol icon, folder with magnifying glass, running the mouse over it you will find it is called the Pest Patrol Control Terminal, do a right mouse click, move to cookie patrol you should see an option to disable sounds.

Hope you manage to be drip free, I know how annoying it is (was).



It is the cookie cruncher sound of Pest patrol

go to PP web site and download the silent cookie cruncher and place it in your PP directory

then the drip will be gone

d k

have you turned the water off?

Er try running adaware or the such it could be some spyware type stuff

This drove me crazy too when it first started happening. Turned out to be Google's pop-up blocker -- everytime it blocks a pop-up, you hear the drip. Now that I know what it is, I like hearing it! I remember reading there's a way to turn it off, but I don't remember how to do it.


Just found this thread through google when looking for an answer to the identical problem you've been experiencing. The solution in my instance was contained within the thread already. It was a notification by a sub program of pest patrol called cookie patrol that notifies about cookies in some manner. Anyway to disable it was simple, in the system tray you should have a Pest Patrol icon, folder with magnifying glass, running the mouse over it you will find it is called the Pest Patrol Control Terminal, do a right mouse click, move to cookie patrol you should see an option to disable sounds.

Hope you manage to be drip free, I know how annoying it is (was).



Nice One Darren! Thats exactly what was driving me mad! Couldn't find the cause and I spent some time looking. It was really frequent on Yahoo mail site. All quiet now.
Ficklefinger :p


Wow, it was Pest Patrol for me, too. I was going nuts, thinking it was something in either Zone Alarm Pro or I.E. that was still making the noise even though I'd turned everything off I could think of.

Thank you so much for figuring this out and posting. What a relief!

A Google search landed me here and what bang-up results. I'm a new member living south of Seattle and working in Redmond. Nice to meet yas!

PS, it's called cookiecrunch.wav

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