well i had 2 partitions. one is windows 2000 and the other is freeDOS. well installation of the 2 Operating systems was fine. its the bootloader that screwed things up
i install XOSL
however i think it did something to the partitons. I recal telling it to install on the DOS (fat32) partition. And it did that
however it showed me the list of partions to boot from.
what is the windows partion was called XOSL and the DOS partion was called no name
i selected "boot from original MBR" and got the m,issing operating system error
so did XOSL over ride my partiton settings? if so is there any way to get it back or do i have to start over with everything.
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samaru 145 a.k.a inscissor Team Colleague
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Tekmaven 258 Software Architect Team Colleague
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jabberwock486 0 Junior Poster in Training
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