Every time I power on my laptop it restarts before it boots all the way. It shows the screen with the bios version on it and begins booting XP. The bar on the bottom does move, so i know it is not frozen. About 15 seconds after starting the computer, a stop error message flashes on the screen for half a second and the computer goes back to the screen with the bios version on it. Also, whenever the computer restarts I get the message that says 'windows did not start successfully' and asks me if I want to use the last good settings that worked or if I want to start windows normally. I can no longer get windows to boot at all. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

I think some of your hardware is not properly installed ... remove any modems or lan cards or other hardware and then start your pc ... does the same error occur again ??? can you give us a glimpse of the error you get ?

Well, I tried booting in safe mode, and it makes no difference- i still get a stop error and a restart. It does this every way ive tried starting it. I tried removing all my unnecessary hardware- cd drive, wireless card, even the battery- and it didnt change. I can't read the whole error message, cuz like I said it flashes for half a second, but i can make out what i think says 'unmountable_boot_volume" but im not sure, because if u blink you'll miss it. So i could be wrong.

Found the problem- i had a bad boot sector. Fixed it with the Windows XP disk.

I am having the same problem as well. I am using a laptop, but it restarts before I am even able to run a chkdsk or anything on it. Even when I boot from CD, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hello, I recently solved a "restart shortly after XP boot" problem

I pressed F8 while booting, went in "Safe Mode" . In "run" type "eventvwr.msc" (without quotes), then Enter.

in Event Viewer go to System and look for a red button with an X cross on it. This is a detail of a serious error,and make sure the hour is when the computer crashed/restarted .

Open this error log and please indicate its content. Or, just google about that specific error.

In my case was a processor "intelppm failed to load" error. I had to disable ,in registry, the start of this service "intelppm" . After this my computer works normally, doesn't restart itself.

The services in registry are normaly in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ find the faulty one ,and modify its Start Dword value with 4 to disable (3 to enable)

Good luck ! PcTechPetru

hi my datter forget windows password, how can reover? than yo

hi my datter forget windows password, how can reover? than yo

you cant, you have to go out and by a new computer , take the money out of you Datters allowance

what is the order of the boot sequence for windows xp for a dell inspirion 6000 laptop

u can remove your cmos battery for not less than 15 minutes, this mean yo computer will have lost truck on passwords and other temporary settings like date. So pliz don't through your machine away because after then your computer has no password

Dear All,

I m also facing the issue where my PC restarts while booting and doesn't get to Windows (Windows XP). I am not able to access the windows.

I performed the following steps (but could not able to solve the problem):

1. Reinstalled the xp.
2. Used the option---- "Press R to repair using recovery console"
4. Ran the command---- chkdsk /r
5. After completion of disk check restarted the system

RESULT: The issue remained there. I repeated the above steps but the issue is still there.

Please suggest if this is a hard disk issue.

If you need any more information please reply.

Please help me in solving this problem. Even a single reply will count....

Thanks and regards

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