Still could be with the other two that dont get answer.. Well now Im having a problem where I log in and then I log out. I tried doing last well known configuration, but it still log out on it own. Any Ideas? I saw something like changing value and shell.. but that seems to be if I know the code for my comp. Hopefully you guys can give better hope. and not just the same programs.

Still could be with the other two that dont get answer.. Well now Im having a problem where I log in and then I log out. I tried doing last well known configuration, but it still log out on it own. Any Ideas? I saw something like changing value and shell.. but that seems to be if I know the code for my comp. Hopefully you guys can give better hope. and not just the same programs.


Seems you are having a windows keep logging you out automatically, right?

If so, for me, I have to reinstall the OS.

Hope this helps you!

Seems you are having a windows keep logging you out automatically, right?

If so, for me, I have to reinstall the OS.

Hope this helps you!

...If you mean OS by using the cd.. When my grandfather got the comp he never got the disc. And to clear this is that when I turn on the comp and the blue screen come up with account, I click on mine. Then when it logging in it log out. I dont see how I was unclear about this. Even using last well known checkpoint seem to be with this problem. Can anyone help me?

I want to add more to what happened. Yesterday night when I click on safe mode, I dont think I really went to safe mode. Also something weird happen. It showed all the account. Those that are only in Safe mode and those only in normal mode. I still need help.

Get on someone else's computer and download Hiren's Boot CD and burn it to a disk using isoburn. Then boot from the CD and use the tools to repair your OS.

I finally got the disc sent to me.. now what exactly do I do?

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