My wireless connection was working fine. All the sudden it stopped working. I can connect directly to the cable modem, so I know my IE has not been hijacked. My Device Manager does not show any problems. My icon on the Task Bar shows I have a connection. Yet when I run a network test, Outlook fails and the IE fails. Any suggestions?

First give us some more details about your network. Are you using a router? If so: did you try to ping it?

I am using a router. I tried pinging it and it would not work. If I went around the router directly to the cable modem, it would work. I finally called the Tech Support at D-Link and they walked me through an adjustment wherein I changed the WAN from 10/100 to 10, and that seemed to fix it. Hopefully anyone else reading this thread will have the same problem and the solution is the same. Thanks for trying to help.

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