My grandson who is 16 has an E-machine XP a year old. He used to be able to burn CD's & all of a sudden he couldn't. He sd everytime he went to use the program he had used to burn them it just closed out. Of course as his grandmother I know nothing so I sd I would ask the experts for him. Thanks

What program does he use to burn CDs? Roxio? Nero? This happens with all cds? Has he tried just uninstalling the software and then reinstalling it again? Does he have a problem reading CDs/CD-Rs from the drive? (If no, it is most likely the software he's using and not a problem with the drive itself).

Thanks, I just showed him what you wrote & he ran off to his room! Sd he uses windows media player. I think he's trying to do what you said.

He did uninstall & reinstall it & it still didn't work?

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