As soon as I boot up I keep getting the following error pops up every couple of minutes:
Error loading c:Users\lyeerluna.Brian\AppData\Local\ihopoxaz.dll
The specified module could not be found.

I have McAfee and have scanned for any viruses and am clean. I think this al started when I tried to download a bitclient called uTorrent. As soon as I started to run it, a bunch of rundll error windows kept popping up one on top of the other very quickly. I basically had to shut down and remove that program. I now have Vuze instead and that works fine, but keep getting this error popping up every minute or two. I don't know enough about computers to go digging around in windows and trying different things. I'll most likely screw something up even worse. By the way, my name is Brian and lyeerluna is my username that shows on my screen when windows vista opens up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I doubt that you are clean. Torrent-anything is well known for being a trojan source.

You should take the measures described in the Virus forum and clean your system out with the right tools.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it just looking at the name of the suspect dll (ihopoxaz.dll). It might be that your Virus program has found and removed the trojan dll but the damage is aready done and something else is looking for that dll.

You need to act urgently.

I doubt that you are clean. Torrent-anything is well known for being a trojan source.

You should take the measures described in the Virus forum and clean your system out with the right tools.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it just looking at the name of the suspect dll (ihopoxaz.dll). It might be that your Virus program has found and removed the trojan dll but the damage is aready done and something else is looking for that dll.

You need to act urgently.

Thank you for your reply. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't find any "Virus forum" that you spoke of. Could you elaborate on the "measures described" and the "right tools"? Again, I really appreciate you responding, Suspishio, and hopeb to hear from you as soon as is convenient.
Thank you,

@ lyeerluna....

Open "Msconfig" from run and the goto "Startup" tab.

Check for a process named after the missing .dll file under "StartUp Item" and check for the presence of "Rundll32.exe....." under Command (next to startup item button).

Uncheck it.
The name of the .dll file sounds randomly generated.
If you delete this file manually, the virus will replace it with
another dll having some other randomly generated name.
I think u might have to format ur PC. I had a similar virus attack
and i was left with no choice but to format.

Thank you for your reply. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't find any "Virus forum" that you spoke of. Could you elaborate on the "measures described" and the "right tools"? Again, I really appreciate you responding, Suspishio, and hopeb to hear from you as soon as is convenient.
Thank you,

One of the forums in the Microsoft Windows group on Daniweb is the Virus & Spyware forum. There willbe Readme files at the top which will tell you what to do. It'll boil down to downloading a utility called Malwarebytes and letting that clean the system up for you.

If you get stuck,posting in that forum will obtain a reply that'll guide you through the process. But you really can do all this yourself if you follow what's advised there.

Incidentally, if Malwarebytes doesn't spot anything then it's possible that you are clean. A registry cleaner such as RegCure or UniBlue might then be all you need to get sorted out.

Thank you for your reply. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't find any "Virus forum" that you spoke of. Could you elaborate on the "measures described" and the "right tools"? Again, I really appreciate you responding, Suspishio, and hopeb to hear from you as soon as is convenient.
Thank you,

One of the forums in the Microsoft Windows group on Daniweb is the Virus & Spyware forum. There willbe Readme files at the top which will tell you what to do. It'll boil down to downloading a utility called Malwarebytes and letting that clean the system up for you.

If you get stuck,posting in that forum will obtain a reply that'll guide you through the process. But you really can do all this yourself if you follow what's advised there.

Incidentally, if Malwarebytes doesn't spot anything then it's possible that you are clean. A registry cleaner such as RegCure or UniBlue might then be all you need to get sorted out.

Also,make a written note of date and time when you thought things were starting to go wrong. One of the things you can do is search on DLL files created around that time and letting us know any files with randoml;y generated names. That would indicate the degree of infection. I woulod expect Malwarebytes to find all that stuff.

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