I did a reinstall of win xp media after backing up files with Ghost.
Now all the user accounts and data are listed in explorer.
Can someone please tell me how to make user profiles for these existing accounts? I would like them to appear on the logon screen.

I did a reinstall of win xp media after backing up files with Ghost.
Now all the user accounts and data are listed in explorer.
Can someone please tell me how to make user profiles for these existing accounts? I would like them to appear on the logon screen.

if you only backed up files and did not chost the whole drive ,then i think all you need to do is create new acct for each user in control panel and move said file to each new users mydocument folder via explorer

Thanks for the advice.
I was hoping there was an easier way.

Thanks for the advice.
I was hoping there was an easier way.

nothing hard about that ,just go to control panel ,create the new accts ,open each one and go to C:\Documents and Settings\username, them open the folder where there files are and drag and drop the files ,to C:\Documents and Settings\username ! how hard is that

You were absolutely correct. It wasn't hard at all.
I did it! Thanks to your help.

You were absolutely correct. It wasn't hard at all.
I did it! Thanks to your help.

good for you ,your welcome

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