How do I start to find out why my new computer will not reconize the 8GB on the motherboars when the motherboard says it will accept 8 GB?

Thanks I found that I oly have the 32 bit OS so I will move 4GB to the other machine

8gb is not good enough for xp. I've seen XP run on 4gb but you can't do much except play Spider Solitaire.

You can't even buy 80gb HDD any more. The smallest drive available is 160gb. Costs about $80.

You need 15% free space for Windows XP, 20% free space for Vista.

8gb is not good enough for xp. I've seen XP run on 4gb but you can't do much except play Spider Solitaire.

You can't even buy 80gb HDD any more. The smallest drive available is 160gb. Costs about $80.

You need 15% free space for Windows XP, 20% free space for Vista.

poster is referring to Ram ,not hard drive

oops! Thanks for the update. I'm an older person so sometimes I am mistaken about things.

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