I bought a external hard drive recently and duly NTFS formatted it. Now, the problem is Win ME doesn't recognise it. Is it possible to partition the the external HDD into 2 such that one is FAT32 and the other NTFS? If so, would that allow me to use the Ex HDD on both XP and ME without problems?

Yes you can have NTFS on one partition and FAT32 on another though not a good thing -- go with NTFS only.

Still if your question is that can Win ME and Win XP coexist the answer is yes. You can have both of them on the same HDD.

I bought a external hard drive recently and duly NTFS formatted it. Now, the problem is Win ME doesn't recognise it. Is it possible to partition the the external HDD into 2 such that one is FAT32 and the other NTFS? If so, would that allow me to use the Ex HDD on both XP and ME without problems?

for storage or duel [let the fight begin lol] botting it should be no problem ,i've done it with hdd formated both file systems .

Thanks for your responses. I've made 2 partitions on the ex HDD with FAT32 and NTFS. New problem, however - connected it to a win ME system and the appropriate partition came up as a storage device (rather than removable storage) in System

The problem is when i try to use the drive it says 'unable to write to drive E' - hardware problem?

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