I recently started my computer over with Windows XP by re-installing it. However, this delted 4 of my drivers. The drivers I need to get are: USB Controller, SM Bus Controller, Multimedia Audio Controller, and Video Controller (VGA compatible). Atleast that is what drivers my computer says I need to get under my device manager. I think this is why I also have no sound. Can anyone help me figure out where to get these drivers at?

These all sound like devices that could be part of your motherboard; when you bought the computer (or motherbord, if you built it yourself), you should have received a CD containing the motherboard drivers. If you don't have this CD, you will need to open your computer and get the model number of the motherboard. If you can't find the motherboard drivers yourself (using google), you can post the model number here and we'll see if we can assist.

HP-A2027F3 is my model number. Where do I go to get the appropriate drivers. I don't have a CD and I'm not really finding the right stuff on Google.

I got 3 of the drivers I needed by downloading a graphics driver by I still need to find a Multimedia Audio controller to be able to play sound. Does anyone know where I can find this driver to download?

Have you tried Drivers HQ? They've had every driver I've ever needed. Other than that, if you can identify the make and model of whatever you're missing, you might try the manufacturers' websites.

Good luck,

HP-A2027F3 is my model number. Where do I go to get the appropriate drivers. I don't have a CD and I'm not really finding the right stuff on Google.

Did you get that number off the motherboard??

yes I got it off the motherboard....I actually got it figured out...does anyone know where I can get a copy of Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect without having to have my product key number?

That HP PC should have come accompanied with either a Recovery CD or instructions to restore the system to original state from files stored on a 'hidden partition.

Your included software will be part of that process.

There is no way you can legitimately install that software without using the product keys, and DaniWeb will not allow assistance with illegitimate methods.

If you have lost the original mechanisms for restoring the system, you can possibly obtain replacements from HP. Contact their support section.

Edit: for those reading who are wondering how the original problem was resolved, the drivers mentioned are all part of the motherboard chipset drivers, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

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