I'm trying to un-install norton goback 4.0. Before I begin to uninstall I am asked to disable nortoon goback. everytime i try to disable goback I get the following error "unable to communicate with norton goback device driver!" I have searched this forum and google for a soution, but can not find one.

Google for Norton removal tools. What windows version do you have?

I've already tried the removal tool. Still had the same problem. I'm using xp home edition.

Get Revo Uninstaller via Google and see if that helps.

I always use revo when uninstalling, but revo uses the standard uninstall programme and then just cleans up whatevers left. should I just run revo and when the uninstall fails just get rid of everything thats asociated with the programme?

Failing that, post an HJT log and I can help you to disable it's components to hopefully allow the uninstaller to run properly.

I have sometiumes found that uninstalling can be done by
1: Turn OFF restore
2: reboot to safe mode
3: manually remove all traces of the program (registry clean, directory/ies removal) and any associated fiels th&t you know of!
4: Do a good registry clean (or manaully remove any registry reference to teh offending program);
5. use a 'windows care program to remove temp files and cookies etc.

Reboot normally and then turn restoration back on.

Hard work but sometuimes works!

I have the same damn problem with go back! Even Norton's own programs will not disable says it is set up in MSDOS mode. I cannot find anything to shut this down. Please help, because Symantec is like trying to call Mars, no connection, No support, Nothing. I used to swear by Symantec but this product has pissed me off. The real kicker is I am trying to install an upgrade to Premiere 12 and it will not run because of Go Back, Might as well have been titled go back to HELL!

This is the error message I receive when running the removal tool!

Windows has configured drive C: for MS-DOS Compatibility mode. This is preventing Norton GoBack from uninstalling.

Disable Norton GoBack from the Norton GoBack Boot Menu then try uninstalling again.

of course the go back menu does nothing!

I was able to disable go back by renaming GBPoll.exe to BADGBpoll.exe (or any other name you choose) in the Systemworks directory of Programs. I also did a regedit and found the Roxio registry section and changed all binary and Dword values to Zero (0). I recommend writing the current values down prior to doing this. When I reboot GoBack no longer loads but still get the same "Compatabilty Error" still searching for the final answer.....

As I have said before, an HJT log may well help in this situation.

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