I ran windows update and now it seems theyve broken the networking

Their hotline was off-line too. (rhymes!)

all of a sudden IE is hell bent on using dialup whereas before i conneted through LAN router and it keeps trying to set my vpn connection as my deault network - odd......

do you never sleep?
its 1:29 AM

Ahh, THAT networking.

What update is it? (the KB number)

*yawn* no. I pass out from time to time. You?

Aghh, who am I kidding. Me and networking. Ha! A good one.

dunno there was about 10 new ones for me (i checked on monday and there was none i think they came out today)

fixed it now, its just wierd it breaks it

How'd you fix it? System Restore?

under tools in IE theres a setting for default behavior. for some reason the update sets it to "dial a connection" whereas for machines with LAN broadband you want "never dial a connection"

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