Although I have deleted many files and even Adobe Premiere, the Disk Defragmenter tells me there is only 10% free space available. How can I get it to recognize that I have already deleted files enough to free up at least 15%?

I am an amateur computer user, but am able to follow instructions if they don't include lots of technical terms.

Can anyone help me?


As said by hughv, just deleting the files does not help. When deleted they move to the recycle bin, they have to be removed/deleted from the recycle bin too to free up space...

Thanks hughv and Godsp3ed, but I 've already emptied the recycle bin. I did that as I went along deleting files.

I forgot to say that I'm using Windows XP. My anti-virus protection is Symantec's Norton 360.

Now I have another clue about the problem, thanks to Norton. From the menu under PC Tuneup, I ran the Diagnostic Report yesterday. I compared yesterday's report with a printout of one I had run in February. The February report was 5 pages and yesterday's report ran to 46 pages!

The big difference was in Startup Applications, Auto Start Programs. In February these covered a little more than half the first page. Yesterday these continue from page 1 until page 27!

Where did all this strange stuff come from? I suspect it came with an external hard drive that I added. I know that installation of the external hard drive added Google desktop and some other items I declined to use, but now I'm going to try to figure out what else it may have added.


Thanks, caperjack, I'll try what you suggested.

Also, I've ruled out the external disk drive as the source of the mysterious files, although I think google desktop did come with it. This long list of files appeared between 5/20 and 5/27. I'm wondering if there were big Microsoft updates during that time period.

I would guess you're misinterpreting something you're reading in Norton, which is junk anyway. I'd free upsome space by deleting it first.
You obviously haven't deleted as much stuff as you thought.
You really need a large hard drive for Audio-video work, and you're just putting off the inevitable. If the budget allows, just get another derive.

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