I run WinXP SP3 and am a bellsouth.net customer.
A week ago today, my computer rebelled at my internet password, then it rebelled against my Firefox browser. Could not access any internet site.
After more hassles than I care to delve into right now, I know:
My computer communicates with my Motorola DSL modem. I was able to ping the modem but not able to ping any web site.
I disconnected my Linksys NR041 4 port router and have only my desktop computer hooked up to the modem.
I received a "new" refurbished Motorola from AT&T
After (conservatively) spending just over 6 hours with the AT&T
help(less) desk I'm here typing this on my wife's computer.
This computer runs WIN2K SP3 and is hooked up to the same modem I have been trying to use with my desktop and which I have been using for 2 or 3 years.
Anybody got an idea where I should look for correcting the mess with my desktop???