Is there a way to choose a System Restore date from the previous month? I had had SR turned off for a few weeks so the earliest date I would have would be Feb. However, even though the pointer turns into a "hand" when I try and click on the << to back up a month, nothing happens.


yea Im guessing your usung windows xp so from your start menu do to programs, accessories and system tools, then launch system restore. From there you can select a time were you want to restore from

yea Im guessing your usung windows xp so from your start menu do to programs, accessories and system tools, then launch system restore. From there you can select a time were you want to restore from

Yes, I am using XP Home. However, if you read my original post, the computer won't let me choose a date further back than March 1st. It gives me the icon << to go back a month, but won't let me click on it!

Is there a way to choose a System Restore date from the previous month? I had had SR turned off for a few weeks so the earliest date I would have would be Feb. However, even though the pointer turns into a "hand" when I try and click on the << to back up a month, nothing happens.


if you had it turned off for a few weeks all restore points before you turned it off are gone !! latest goback date would be the day you turned it back on.

OK, that answers that question, thank you! Unfortunately that's bad for me! lol

I tried sytem restore it only lets me go back 1 month, I want to go back 2 months how can i do this

I tried sytem restore it only lets me go back 1 month, I want to go back 2 months how can i do this

you cant

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