I followed all the steps in the previous posts on how to fix prob. 19 in relation to my CD however my DVD burner still will not function even though the device mgr. says it is working properly. Is there another registry fix for the DVD?

How do you determine it is not functioning?

How do you determine it is not functioning?

The DVD will not read-play a DVD nor will it BURN one.


What software do you use to burn DVD/CD?

Can you put a dvd movie, not a copy but an original, into the drive and tell me if it plays the movie?

Here is a quick solution.
Remove the usb internet device

Your drive is now ready for burning.

Here is a quick solution.
Remove the usb internet device

Your drive is now ready for burning.

Sorry about the lag time in responding--I've been out of town. The DVD will not play a purchased movie--it will not recognize ANY type of CD--the icon is present on my computer but it will not work. I hate to appear ignorant but-- remove WHAT internet device? The device mgr. says my DVD drive is installed and working but it will not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. My question is--is there a registry delete as in the prob 19 for the CD that will free up my DVD?? If not what ELSE will work. I feel sure the DVD player itself is not "broken" but something in the registry is keeping it from working. Please respond---thanks--ANYONE!

Do you use a USB device to connect to the internet?

Do you use a USB device to connect to the internet?

Ethernet-router--DSL modem. A recent hook-up----problem existed long before this internet connectivity.

I followed all the steps in the previous posts on how to fix prob. 19 in relation to my CD however my DVD burner still will not function even though the device mgr. says it is working properly. Is there another registry fix for the DVD?

hi, by following suggest in previous post ,I assume you mean you searched registry and removed upper and power filters if they existed ,correct!

hi, by following suggest in previous post ,I assume you mean you searched registry and removed upper and power filters if they existed ,correct!

Sorry about late reply--been playing golf most of the day. Yes I found and removed the upper and lower filters in the registry file. I regained my CD function and icon. I regained my DVD icon and thought that the DVD problem was also fixed--but--when I tried to use the DVD it will not FUNCTION, nothing happens--won't read--won't play--won't burn! Is there another registry file with other filters which need removal--or--what else can I do to fix the problem?--thanks to all responders!

What software are you using?

SonyDVD or Nero?

Are you at home or at work?

Some work places have Burn Rights in place to ensure inforamtion is not copied.

Also, Some CD/DVD drives don't like + R discs if it is specifically -R
Also, some drives are CD RW but only DVD rom.

Are you at home or at work?

Some work places have Burn Rights in place to ensure inforamtion is not copied.

Also, Some CD/DVD drives don't like + R discs if it is specifically -R
Also, some drives are CD RW but only DVD rom.

HOME--is is a SONY DVD RW DW U14a--software came with program installation. Never had a prob until 19 with the CD player and DVD --I have both on my PC.

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