Hello, I'm new in this web, previously I want to apologize my bad english because I am from Spain.

I've been many time searching drivers for my computer, because I reseted it. Now I need screen drivers for my PC, because without them I can't play online xD. I've searched in the official website www.msi.com and in Google but I didn't found it.

My PC is a microstar ms-7046 and my operative system is Windows XP Professional.

If someone knows where is it, or someone has found it please give-me the link.

Thank you.

PD: Please correct my english :-)

hi ,welcome to daniweb .lets start with finding a name and model # for the motheboard in you comp.
start with this program install it and go to mainboard section to get info ,post it back here .download cpu-z here

Done. Thank you for the help. Now I copy-paste all I see xD.

Model MS-7046

Chipset Intel i915P/i915G Rev. 0E
Southbridge Intel 82801FB (ICH6)
LPICIO Windbond W83627THF

If you need more info... Only say it :-)

PS: I won't be here for a long time... In Spain it is 3:41 A.M. I think I've got to sleep a little xD

Thank you ;)

dose you computer have a brand name on the tower

what is the brand name?

what is the brand name?

I'm sorry Brand name like Compaq,Dell HP,Acer ,just to name a few

Ooh sure, sure, my PC's brand is MicroStar, I said it in the title of the thread.

Ooh sure, sure, my PC's brand is MicroStar, I said it in the title of the thread.

yeah they make motherboards ,never see a computer made by them ,its what would be considered a generic computer ,well sorry i can't find any reference to the model of your board anywhere

Now I need screen drivers for my PC, because without them I can't play online xD.

lets start over ,by screen drivers do you mean Video device drivers ,do you have onboard video device or a addin pci-e video card install in the computer

Maybe, do you can give me the inks? I will simply install it. I can't loose anything, right?

Maybe, do you can give me the inks? I will simply install it. I can't loose anything, right?

maybe ,maybe what !!
,but you never answered my questions in the last post ,so i don't know what to tell you, sorry

:S I don't understand you at 100%, sorry, can you re-write the question for a newbie in english? =) please

:S I don't understand you at 100%, sorry, can you re-write the question for a newbie in english? =) please

sorry ,cant ask any simpler ,doesn't matter anyway, I cant find them anywhere on the net !sorry

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