Hi there,

I have recently been asked to solve a problem that i have not come across before and was looking for any advice possible.

I have read through other related messages on your forum and i have not found this problem but have picked up some useful ideas.

When using Hotmail via www.hotmail.com everything works perfectly until i send / reply to a message.

The message is sent and the recipient does get a message however the body text is completly missing leaving a blank email.

Looking in sent items the body text is full of html code. The computer is running windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 Sp2.

I know the fault is related to the actual PC as the person is able to send email perfectly using another computer using the same hotmail account.

Using outlook express linked to his hotmail account works perfectly however I would like to solve this unuseral problem.

The computer has been rolled back 7 days using system restore to before this problem surfaced, and the same problem ocours.

I have read in a previouse thred that downloading the latest .NET framework may help with the new hotmail web site, and i will be doing that at the first possible opportunity. However does anyone else have any other ideas?

Thanks in advance for any advice...

Best Wishes

Paul Bishop

Hi ... I am having the same problem with my hotmail...i will try to use my other lap top to send and recieve these emails until someone figures out what happened. This started immediately after msn did their upgrade and changed the overall layout of my hotmail page and after i was required to update messenger. Several of my friends are having the same problem. I would appreciate any help or advice anyone can give...i don't know very much about computers, so step by step instructions would be appreciated. thanks, lostinthemist

ummm...i had also considered sacrificing a lamb...praying to the cyber gods...and throwing the computer out the window...guess i am frustrated with msn


i have no clue why it wouldnt be working :\

try clearing your cached files to start with

Thanks for letting me know that i am not the only one that this is happening to.

Just for the record I have now added the .Net framework and that has made no difference. I will be trying clearing the browesers cache asap.

If anyone spots any info elsewhere please drop it in here and i will love you all forever ;)

try using a differnt browser, such as mozilla, if it effects mozi/fb it sounds like more than just an IE problem

Thanks once again, It is not my computer that is having the problem so i am unable to install mozilla etc to check if it helps. The person who has the problem is a beginner, and i have talked them through setting up outlook to check the email

*sigh* Clearing the cache didn't change the problem, however there is one new peice of information gained this time.

When send is clicked, just before the page is replaced with the 'Your message has been sent' page the text in the message window vanishes leaving an empty window.

The person has tried saving a copy to sent items as well as saving a draft copy. With both of these methods the body text is not there and he described HTML code in its place.

He is sending me a copy of the code now using outlook express so i should have more of a clue soon

I am having the same problem, I tried to creat a new profile for me on the same computer "no peoblem at all!!!"
I know its weared but creating a new profile is hard selution, please help my supervisor is having the same problem :S

I had the same problem as Paul Bishop and in desperation tried to reset the Internet Explorer which fixed the problem. In IE7 go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Reset Internet Explorer Settings. Great success! It dumps History, caches, etc. It also fixed a chronic problem of not being able to remember the password when I tried to save it.
Harry Hanbury

Welcome to the site Harry :)

Im glad you corrected your problem!!

Happy holidays!

I had the same problem as Paul Bishop and in desperation tried to reset the Internet Explorer which fixed the problem. In IE7 go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Reset Internet Explorer Settings. Great success! It dumps History, caches, etc. It also fixed a chronic problem of not being able to remember the password when I tried to save it.
Harry Hanbury

Hey I think i just posted in the wrong area, so here is the solution again that I found:


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