Hello, I realize I am a new member , and with hopeful resolution of this problem , plan to be a much more active member ,, but i have been tryin to fix this for a long time and any help would be greatly appriciated.

When I start Laptop It gives me error invalid boot.ini . When i boot from cd to go to recovery console i get the responses from these commands:

map : ? 28608mb \device\harddisk0\partiton1
D: \device\cdrom0

bootcfg /add -- failed to succesfully scan for windows installations use chkdsk to scan for errors

bootcfg /list -- there are no boot entries to display

boot/rebuild--same as bootcfg/add

chkdsk /r /f --parameter not valid

fixboot --target partition is the file system on the startup partition is unkown. fixboot cannot open the partition.

When i start safe mode or normal i either get bsod or windows loading bar then bsod

I have a
Dell Inspiron 1000
Bios : A08
Cpu : 2200 mhz
HDD: 30G Toshiba MK3021gas-(PM)
Sys Mem : 256mb@266MHZ

I have tried everything and since inspiron 1000 has no floppy i dont know what else to do. I hope it has something to do with drive letter not being recognized. Anyhelp is greatly appriciated.

change this one"chkdsk /r /f --parameter not valid" to "chkdsk /p/f" see what it gives ,

i got " the specified drive is not naild, or there is no disk in the drive."

Required : Windows XP operating system, Windows XP cd
Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
Press win key+r type in 'sfc /scannow' (without the ')

Now it should all load, and fix all your corrupted file on windows XP

You have a hard disk problem.
In recovery console, the chkdsk parameters should be as follows:
chkdsk /p -corrects errors.
chkdsk /r -recovers readable info from bad sectors. /r implies /p included.
Cross your fingers. It does sound like you MBR is damaged.

chkdsk /p ,does not correct errors with out the /R .!
It only checks the drive , if you try to do a chkdsk [with no Parameters ]and get message disk does not need to be checked ,adding the /P will force chkdsk to run !

chkdsk [drive:] [/p] [/r]



Used without parameters, chkdsk displays the status of the disk in the current drive.


Specifies the drive that you want chkdsk to check.


Performs an exhaustive check even if the drive is not marked for chkdsk to run. This parameter does not make any changes to the drive.


Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information. Implies /p.


Heya, caper... :)
chkdsk drive /p /r
The chkdsk command checks the specified drive and repairs or recovers the drive if the drive requires it. The command also marks any bad sectors and it recovers readable information.

You can use the following options:
/p Does an exhaustive check of the drive and corrects any errors.
/r Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.
Note If you specify the /r option, the /p option is implied. When you specify the chkdsk command without arguments, the command checks the current drive with no options in effect.


I love it...

I am not a tech, and have never had a drive go bad, or get errors, so have never deliberately run chkdsk. Life is not all bad, though. Not runing chkdsk to experience those parameters' actions has not left me feeling unworthy. I had always wondered, though, about the difference bewtween /p correctin errors [what errors] and /r fixing bad sectors. although when /r fixes bad sectors it just recovers what is readable and then checks that sectora as not to be used. Anyway, I happy to go with your version, cos Michael Stevens says so.

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